Nine Steps to Put Finances in Order!

Nine Steps to Put Finances in Order!

A lack of organization can cause havoc in your finances


Not being organized can reek havoc in your finances as much as a lack of money. Losing bills will bring late fees, and not checking the balance of your current account can cause overdraft fees. The following steps will help you stay on top of your finances and save money on the long run.

Paying bills when you lose your job

Paying bills when you lose your job

If you are part of the millions of Canadians that lost their jobs because of the Coronavirus pandemic, your revenue flow could have slowed or simply stop ! However, bills never cease to arrive.

To manage your finances until the crisis passes and be back at work, a plan is in order. Here are a few tips on how to pay your bills and when you could differ their payment.

Cocktail 2019

Cocktail 2019 p2

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