If you wish to make a complaint about our services or a product, please contact us at the following address: La Clinique Financière 2484 Viau, Montreal, Qc, H1V 3H9 Attention: Complaints Department
If you have sensitive information to transmit, consider a method other than email. Tell us:
- What happened ;
- When it has arrived ;
- What you expect from us
(for example, a refund, an apology, or a correction to your account) Help us resolve your complaint quickly:
- Communicate your complaint as soon as possible;
- Respond quickly to the information we ask of you;
- Keep copies of all pertinent documents, such as letters, e-mails and conversation notes with us.
We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint in writing as soon as possible, usually within five business days of receiving your complaint. To deal with your complaint, we may need to ask you for clarifications or more information. We will communicate our decision to you We will normally communicate our decisions, in writing, within 90 days of receiving a complaint. Our decision will include the following:
- Summary of the complaint;
- Results of our enquiries;
- Our decision: either an offer of compensation, or rejection;
- An explanation of our decision.
If our decision is delayed, should we cannot communicate our decision to you within 90 days, we will do the followingt :
- We will inform you of the delay;
- We will explain the reasons;
- We will give you another date when we shall communicate our decision.
If you are a resident of Quebec You could consider using the free mediation service offered by the Securities Market Authority. A Word About Legal Advice You always have the right to seek legal advice or seek other means of resolving your dispute at any time. A lawyer can tell you about your options. Legal actions are subject to limitation periods. If you are late, your options and legal rights may be limited.
Complaints Handling Policy
The law on the distribution of financial products and services (LQ 1998, c.37) as amended by the Act respecting the National Agency for the Supervision of the Financial Sector determines the applicable rules in the handling of complaints and the settlement of disputes and aims to support the consumer in his actions directed to the management firm. The purpose of this policy is to put in place a procedure for the uniform and fair handling of complaints.
The purpose of this policy is to allow consumers to process their complaint, following any dissatisfaction, all in a fair and free manner.
Here are the contact details of the complaints officer in our company:
Mr. Lawrence SHAW
La Clinique Financière
2486 Viau
Montreal, Qc, H1V 3H9 (Québec) J2S 8A3
E-mail : lshaw@lacliniquefinanciere.com
Telephone : 514-316-1401 ext. 200
Fax : 514-316-1475
Definition of a complaint
A complaint must consist of the expression of at least one of the following three elements to be considered within the meaning of the policy:
- A reproach against the company;
- Identification of a possible or real prejudice that an insured person could or has suffered;
- A request for corrective measure.
A complaint must be made in writing (letter, fax, email, etc.) and a copy of the complaint must be sent to the office's complaints officer.
Please note that a first manifestation of dissatisfaction, whether written or not, does not constitute a complaint. Also, an informal process aimed at correcting a particular problem, insofar as the problem is dealt with within the framework of regular activities, does not constitute a complaint.
Procedure for handling complaints against the firm and its attached representatives
Acknowledgment of the complaint and notice to the plaintiff.
An acknowledgment of receipt of the complaint and a notice must be sent to the complainant, by the person responsible for handling complaints, within 5 working days of receipt of the complaint.
The acknowledgment of receipt of the complaint must at least contain the following elements:
- The name and details of the person responsible for handling complaints;
- Inform the plaintiff or the required delay to handle the complaint;
- Extra 15 day delay to deliver supplemental information if the complaint is incomplete;
- Inform the plaintiff about the main elements of our Policy of handling complaints;
- Refer the plaintiff to the proposed notice from the Securities Market Authority.