Retirement savings could be ripe for the picking for next federal regime

Who will pay the debt
By Dale Jackson, Personal Finance Columnist, Payback Time, Bloomberg

Retirement investors should pay close attention to the coming federal election campaign.

Governments give and governments take, and after a COVID-19 spending spree estimated at more than $200 billion so far, a revenue-hungry government of any stripe may well size up the tax perks in your retirement nest-egg.

The Added Value of Your Advisor in Times of Crisis

Added Value of an Advisor

Aversion to Risk, How Can You Beat it

The work of Daniel Kahneman, 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics, and Amos Tversky, both of the famous Chicago School of Behavioral Economics, has taught us that fundamentally the individual does not like taking risks. But this observation is confronted with a very simple observation. In 1980, the portion of GNP devoted worldwide to gambling increased all over the world even though the expectation of winning was negative.

Benefits, and limitations, of teleworking


By Brian Myles, Le Devoir

Fall will mark the gradual return to the office of hundreds of thousands of workers

Unless the progression of variants turns plans upside down, the fall will mark the gradual return to the office of hundreds of thousands of workers who have been confined to their homes by the pandemic, in whole or in part, for 18 months. Employers and workers are anticipating this “new norm” in a world where nothing will be the same.

Benefits of TFSA

Benefits of TFSA

There are so many things you can save for with a TFSA.

It might be to renovate your home, buy a cottage, go on a dream vacation, or save for your child's wedding. It could even be just to have emergency funds readily available.

Introduced by the federal government in 2009 to help Canadians save better, the TFSA (Tax Free Savings Account) gives account holders:

Opening in Montreal

Opening in Montreal

The Clinique Financière never ceased to expand since 2012.

The Clinique Financière is proud to announce the opening of a new office located in Montreal September 1st, 2020. A few steps from the Olympic Stadium in the borough of Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve on Viau Street, corner of Hochelaga, the new workspace can accommodate over twenty people.

The Average Purchase Method

The Average Purchase Method

To be successful in investing, you need to buy low and sell high

However, it is almost impossible to predict the right time to invest when markets rise and fall every day. Indeed, very few investors manage to choose the right time to buy and sell an investment.
There is, however, a way to take advantage of the ups and downs of the market without having to choose the right time to buy or sell. This is the average purchase method.

How does investments make money?

How will your investment make money?

Investing outside of retirement funds


After two years of saving and sacrifices – sweat and overtime – you finally accumulated enough money to start investing outside of your retirement funds. You just spent the afternoon with your new broker, as he or she presented a myriad of investment choices with you, explaining each in detail and having your head spinning!