Five things to consider in your investment strategy

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Five things to consider in your investment strategy

Five things to consider in your investment strategy

Consider Risk and Return: Diversify!

Remember there's no single investment strategy that will ensure success. Your results will depend on your goals, the time you spend investing and the resources you use. Here are examples of investment strategies that can help put you on the right track.

Five things to consider with your investment strategy

  1. Diversify your investments

This allows you to reduce risk and get steady returns, particularly when markets are volatile. Invest in a range of markets and avoid putting all your assets in the same sector of activity.

  1. Keep your emotions in check

Making major changes to your portfolio in response to market events or when you're in the grip of strong emotions can have a negative impact on the performance of your investments. Learn to take a step back.

  1. Invest systematically

Setting up regular, recurring investments can really pay off in the long term. It allows you to mitigate risk and take advantage of bear markets.

  1. Choose tax-efficient investing

By understanding tax impacts, you can find solutions to help you defer or reduce taxes and grow your wealth.

  1. Invest in currencies

Did you know that fluctuating exchange rates can impact your investments? Learn more so you can use this to your advantage.

Steer clear of stock market synchronization

The important thing isn't when you invest, it's how long you stay invested. Ideally, you should start investing as early as possible, so your investment has ample time to grow. If you wait too long as prices rise, you may miss your chance before they start to fall again.

Similarly, you may be tempted to sell when market performance is poor, but you could miss out on great opportunities once prices start to rise. These types of mistakes can be costly!

Source: National Bank

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